Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cyborg rights 'need debating now'!

Hi guys I found this article Cyborg rights ‘need debating now’ really interesting and relevant to our unit of course because it has to do with Cyborgs, but mostly because it discusses an aspect we have not really focused on and that is the human rights implication of enhanced humans. The article is also quit topical because it talks about Oscar Pistorius or “the fastest man on no legs", a paralympic athlete (who has springy carbon fibre and titanium legs) who is demanding the right to compete with able-bodied athletes in the Commonwealth Games and the Olympics. His plea came after The International Association of Athletic Federations deemed that his prosthetic limbs give him an unfair advantage over able-bodied athletes. Dr Clark a professor at Australian National University's School of Computer Science argues that there is a bigger picture to Pistorius’s plea. He believes that with the increase of “cyborgisation” comes a multitude of human rights issues, which have not yet been addressed, and that governing bodies should create or modify laws and rights to be more sync with our technologically developing world. The article looks at the human rights issues from both the Cyborg and the “able-human” point of view, which suggests that there might be some sort of division or segregation between Cybogs and “able-humans” in the near future! Hope you enjoy!

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