Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflective Post

I feel that the use of blogs has potential as a learning tool, but ultimately failed to succeed in this unit. The reason being, that there wasn't enough comments on individual posts to stimulate discussions that went beyond the relevant readings. There were however, a couple of tutorial posts that did succeed in this, receiving numerous comments that facilitated a lively discussion. I feel that this shows the potential of this unit to become successful, if it can encourage students to blog more frequently. For me, never having used a blog, this unit exposed me to a new tool for communication. It was interesting to set up one of my own and use it to search and comment on others' posts. I found it easier to communicate my ideas through the blog than openly in tutorials, as i felt it allowed a sense of anonymity (even though my name was posted!), free from the embaressment i may face if i say the wrong thing in class.

Going into the unit, i originally expected the emphasis to be more on feminism in technology. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the lectures had a broader base, looking into the effects of technology on all individuals; male, female, black, white etc. I found the lectures interesting, but when it came to some workshops, tasks appeared pointless. The tutorials were however, relevant to lectures and my tutorial group stimulated some interesting discussions throughout the semester.

Do i now consider myself a cyborg? No. I do not feel i am so immersed in technology that it has become an extension of me. Although i use technology on a regular basis, my reliance on it is limited as i spend more time in the offline world communicating face-to-face. However, my potential to become a cyborg is everincreasing in this digital age, where the boundaries between what is biological and artificial are blurring.

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