Sunday, October 24, 2010

Someday my Prince will come

Once upon a time (in the first week of semester) a comment was made about people's involvement on blogs. As legend has it, participants on the world wide web would log on to blogs to:

a) read other people's work
b) read other people's work and contribute their own thoughts
c) write simply to read over what they had written

Although this next statement makes me appear far from the heroic prince charming and much more like the self absorbed ugly sister, I feel I fall under category C. It was not that my work was astonishing in any way, on the contrary, multiple readings became an exercise of edit and criticism, however this use of review allowed me to know my own opinion. The use of blogging within this site encouraged me to construct thoughts I would otherwise have neglected to create or develop. For another unit I take, my tutor asked us to conclude what writing meant to us. At the end of the tute she explained that for herself, writing offered the opportunity to discover her thoughts and feelings about particular concepts, situations etc. I think for this reason, blog activity is a perfect utensil for Self Net:I.

With many foreign concepts flying around the unit, (many I have found to be very relevant to my life) blogging not only allows the chance to explore them, but presents an example of how we utilise and depend on technology within our own lives. It is a funny thought that I have become dependent on technology as an extension of my mind and body, and I am sure many feel the same. A mobile phone now makes me feel safe at night, a treadmill provides me with exercise and a hand written essay just doesn't seem as intellectually stimulating as a typed, justified, size 12 Times New Roman Document. In an age where we can crop, copy and cut faster than we tie our shoes, ignoring the intensive relationship we have with technology seems an act of naivety.

So in conclusion:

I am cyborg hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore...

Will my introduction into the blogosphere fear transfer me from an ugly sister into prince charming? I'll have to ask my fairy godmather the answer to that. But I can speak for myself when I say my appreciation and awareness for blogs has grown a lot stronger than when I first took a seat in our week 2 tutorial. And the next time I need some knitting help, political guidance or just some good old fashioned recipes, I know what I'll be typing into google.

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