Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hello there, friends ;)

Hey there 10am-ers! I hope I haven't missed the boat on the introductory post, but here I go.

My name is Jacqui and I am a third year communications student. After taking some time off I am back this semester and have chosen this unit as it not only contributes to my English major, but it was definately more appealing than your average English unit.

I have a keen interest in fashion, but I feel I am lacking in the creative department when it comes to design. I am doing a course in fashion editing at Tafe next year, which will hopefully fit in nicely with my communications degree to help me pursue my ideal job of fashion editing.

I also wanted to start up a fashion blog of my own but I am not exactly tech-savvy, so I thought this unit would be the perfect way to learn.

Fashion toast is a favourite of mine, have a look if it takes your fancy ;)

See you all on Wednesday :D Bye for now.

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