Sunday, August 22, 2010

How much is too much?

Hi guys this week I’m doing my presentation with Rachel on Krissi M. Jimroglou’s reading, “A Camera with a view: JenniCAM, visual representation and cyborg subjectivity”. So this is just a brief summary of the reading:

This reading examines how Jennifer Ringley an ordinary college student became an Internet phenomenon and basically the first reality celebrity, through her website JenniCAM. She started her website in 1996 as a window for the world to see her day to day life by continuously posting images of her activities, using a camera mounted on her computer. In 1998 she upgraded her site and started posting videos of herself called the JenniSHOW, these videos would be updated every 20 minutes and showed “the ebb and flow of everyday” (p.p 287) including her sleeping, working but also engaging in private activities such as being nude and having sex.

By 1998 she had about 3 to 4 million people visiting her site daily, some even paying “US$15 per year” (p.p 287) to see a new image every 2 minutes. This fascination with JenniCAM is significantly interesting because she is an ordinary person, with quit a mundane life “most of the time, the photos are anything but thrilling” (p.p 287). A few reasons for her success might be because she was the first to transgress the line of the private/public sphere and allow people to see her life as it is without censorship, and novelty is always a recipe for success.

Then there is the fact that curiosity is human nature, and voyeurism had been slightly taboo till then, but suddenly JenniCAM invited voyeurism and surveillance. At around the same time reality T.V programs like Big Brother were created and public surveillance and CCTV were on the rise, which all created an interest and fascination with exhibitionism. But now a days the question of how much is too much, and when do we draw the line at what we think is private is very blurred.

Here are some questions to be discussed during the tut or on the blog:

1) As we have been bombarded by reality TV shows and our interest and ability to see the into the lives of celebrities has grown, if JenniCAM was created now, would it have the success it had in the 1990’s ? And as individuals would you be drawn to her website, why and why not?

2) “Jennifer would seem to offer the perfect heterosexual male fantasy- a voyeuristic window into a woman’s bedroom” (p.p 287) she has to some extent broken away from our “stereotypical” view of how women are supposed to behave (at that time) by both sexualising and objectifying herself. Do you agree with this statement? And how does this relate to women in the media nowadays?

Also here is a link to a clip explaining Jennifer’s story incase you don’t feel like reading what I wrote :)

Hope it helps, peace out!


  1. Hey Nadine,

    I love the questions you've posed! In regards to the first one, I would have to say, I do think that websites like this would still be successful. If anything, the 'Big Brother' phenomenon has shown just how much people positively react to this kind of thing. For whatever reason, people just love watching other ordinary people. Like with JenniCAM, the article said that people watched, waiting to be rewarded with a sight of her, just a normal, everyday person that they could relate to. And I think on shows like 'Big Brother' people watched for the inevitable conflict. In a weird sort of way, it's kind of a rejection of celebrity culture, because we start focusing in on 'everyday' people. Although our interest in them then turns them into celebrities... until we get bored of them and then find another 'everyday person' to watch. And would I go to a site like this? I don't think I would. I know sometimes I sit on Facebook just refreshing the page, waiting for one of my friends to do something, and I think to myself, 'hey, how about you actually do something instead of waiting for everyone else to do something?' I don't know, with things like this I just feel like for me, it is so easy for me to just let my life pass by while I watch everyone else living theirs...

    Yeah, sorry about the incoherent ramblings. See you in tute!

  2. Hey there, just thought I'd continue on this theme for a moment...

    I find that the more I talk to people about this, the more I am surprised about how each person feels differently about peering into other people's lives- I think personally it's not something that I would keep going back to. I don't know, maybe it's just because I'm very busy doing other things, but I find it a bit too much to take, wanting to spend my time watching someone else spending their time doing the things that I probably need to be doing! I realise I would initially be quite curious, and I'm sure I would go back to the site a few times to check it out, but I cannot see how I would ever end up just sitting there waiting for the next 20minutes to be up so that I could see what she was doing then. Maybe I'm just a bit too old-school for all these new-fangled internet gadgets...

    It's just a thought.

    I think Jess's comment today about people finding other people doing normal things is probably a big part of it too. The more I think about it, the more I realise that a big part of my fascination with things like facebook is that I find it reassuring to see that my friends spend big portions of their time doing the same, mundane day to day things that I do. So Maybe it has more merit than I thought.

    Anyways, that's all I had to say...

  3. hi Jess and Jen sorry for the late reply to your posts, i have to agree with you that i would not go onto a site like JenniCAM because i think it is pretty much pointless to see someone doing everyday things that you do yourself and to be honest i only go onto blogs or sites where i can get something from it, like see the newest photos from fashion week, or see amazing photography...

    thats why i was curious to know why people were attracted to watching JenniCAM, cause the only thing they could get from it was seeing her do boring stuff or the chance to see her naked and being intimate, in my opinion that would not be very interesting or satisfying. sure her viewers could send her letters and she would reply so they did in a way have a connection with her but at the end of the day i highly doubt she really cared about the people who were watching her, so i wonder what happened to her viewers if they just moved on to something that was similar to JenniCAM and still have an interest in others private lives or if they got over the whole voyeurism thing when JenniCAM was closed down.
