Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hi Everyone, I'm Gabi!

I don't particularly like doing these 'introducing yourself' tasks as i find it very hard to explain myself in an interesting way! But here goes anyway, I'm in my second year here at UWA studying a Bachelor of Arts and doing a double major in Psychology and I hope to one day work with children, that is, once i finish this forever long degree.

I'm very interested in fashion and styling in the modern world, particularly interior designs. This brings me to my severe problem in saving. I'm probably the worst saver you will ever meet, trust me. I buy things just because I feel I have to have it, good attitude or bad, I'm not sure, either way I'm satisfied! Therefore i pretty much waste alot of my time on the Internet online shopping, whether it be clothes, shoes, sportswear, or even funky little pieces for room as i have a flare for interior design. I'm also passionate about having a happy, healthy and active lifestyle, and I too like Kelly- Anne do not feel my day is complete unless i have been to the gym or done atleast some form of exercise, I'm a little bit addicted to it really.

So I don't think I've mentioned Ive never done this whole blogging thing before, nor have I deliberately come across any blogs, therefore I don't have any particularly good ones to share but, once i start exploring the bloggers world I will hopefully have some to share with you all. Now I do have two sites to share that I love to look at in my spare time, that is when im not online shopping of course. My first one is Pixdaus, it has some amazing photographs of absolutely anything and everything uploaded by people all over the world, just look at the right hand side and theres plenty to choose from. And finally ill let you in my one of my favourite online shopping sites.. ShopBop, you can kill alot of time searching through these! Enjoy!

Bye for now,

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